朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
Financial Management 財務管理

當期課號 4096 Course Number 4096
授課教師 顏吉利 Instructor YEN,GI LI
中文課名 財務管理 Course Name Financial Management
開課單位 企業管理系(二日)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 以單元之方式,依序介紹財務管理之重要概念及基本理論,輔以台灣之實證研究或應用實例,期能經由紮實之訓練,為同學謀職或進修奠下良好之財務管理學基礎。 Objectives To equip the students with a preliminary, yet comprehensive, understanding of the basic concepts and topics in financial management so that the students after commencement can apply them professionally. For students who plan to pursue an advanced degree in related fields, the course further provides them with a solid foundation in the area of financial management.
教材 Brealey, Myers, and Marcus, Essentials of Corporate Finance, First Edition, New York, N. Y.: McGraw-Hill, 2004.(滄海書局代理) Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 家庭作業30% 期末考50% 課堂上參與程度(含上課出席情形)20% Grading Homework:30%; Final Exam:50%; Class Participation:20%
教學內容 依序介紹財務管理之重要概念及基本理論,輔以台灣之實證研究或應用實例,期能經由紮實之訓練,為同學奠定良好基礎。涵蓋財務管理導論、財務管理基本觀念、金融資產訂價、資本企畫、負債與股利決策、財務規劃等課題。 Syllabus This is a one-semester elective course. On top of introducing students to understand the nature and importance of financial management, the class moves on to discuss the following topics: 1.The trade-off between risk and return; 2.Pricing of financial assets; 3.Captial budgeting; 4.Optimal debt and dividend policy; 5.Financial planning.