朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
The Experiential Dream Group and Leadership Skills 夢的賞讀團體領導技巧

當期課號 3502 Course Number 3502
授課教師 汪淑媛 Instructor WANG,SHU YUAN
中文課名 夢的賞讀團體領導技巧 Course Name The Experiential Dream Group and Leadership Skills
開課單位 社會工作系(四進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 夢的賞讀團體將介紹Dr. Montague Ullman所設計的小團體運作方法。透過實務演練,學生將學習詮釋自己的夢以及他人的夢,並進一步體驗小團體的帶領技巧。本課程的功能並非只是教導學生有關夢與作夢的客觀知識,更重要的是提供學生必要的技能與態度,瞭解與詮釋夢的複雜意象。學生將從實際在團體賞讀彼此的夢之過程中學習,而非依賴書本或外在資源。 Objectives This class will introduce students to the experiential group method of dream work developed by Dr. Montague Ullman in Sweden and now widely used in Europe and America. Students will learn to better understand and interpret their own dreams and those of others. The function of the class is not to offload facts about dreams and dreaming but to provide the skills and attitudes necessary to understand and interpret complex dream images. What students will learn in this class will not come from books or outside sources but from actually working as a group on their own dreams.
教材 Montague Ullman 1996, “Appreciating Dreams – A Group Approach” ,Sage Publications, Inc., Thousand Oakes, California. [E-mail order: order@sagepub.com] Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 學生評量標準(平時成績20%;期中報告40%;期末報告40%):1.出席 2.準時 3.熟練夢的賞讀技巧:包括a. 傾聽;b.能克制將不成熟的詮釋強加在某個夢;c. 問問題的技巧,不直接詢問個人資訊,不引導; 以及d. 整合給夢者提供的訊息,資料,在最後階段提供給夢者簡潔、深入、有用地個人詮釋投射。 Grading Students will be evaluated on (1) attendance, (2) punctuality, (3) mastery of the skills of the experiential dream group method. In particular, (3a) listening skills, (3b) ability to refrain from prematurely imposing interpretations on the dream, (3c) skill in posing questions to the dreamer that are information-eliciting and not leading or information-demanding. And, (3d) their ability to pull all the strands of the dream together and offer an orchestrating projection that is concise, profound and helpful to the dreamer.
(class participation 20%; mid-term paper 40%; final paper 40%)
教學內容 夢的賞讀將介紹歐曼醫師在瑞典教導精神科醫師與心理師如何瞭解病人的夢所設計的方法,這套團體運作方式,目前在美國與歐洲已廣被使用。透過實務演練,學生將學習瞭解詮釋自己的夢以及他人的夢。本課程的功能並非只是給學生有關夢與作夢的客觀事實知識,更重要的是提供學生必要的技能與態度,使其得以瞭解與詮釋夢的複雜意象。學生將從實際運作,由團體一起賞讀彼此夢的過程中學習,而非依賴書本或外在資源。









10. 夢的真實性:為何夢比我們清醒時的心智誠實?夢誠實的特質對我們有何幫助?




14. 如何組織帶領夢的賞讀團體:我們可以與朋友一起賞讀夢嗎?這樣做安全嗎?有指導手則可依據嗎?


Syllabus This class will introduce students to the experiential group method of dream work developed by Dr. Montague Ullman in Sweden and now widely used in Europe and America. Students will learn to better understand and interpret their own dreams and those of others. The class will not pursue a set agenda so much as follow the interest of the students and provide information on the areas of dreaming that most concern them. The function of the class is not to offload facts about dreams and dreaming but to provide the skills and attitudes necessary to understand and interpret complex dream images. What students will learn in this class will not come from books or outside sources but from actually working as a group on their own dreams.

1. The Meaningfulness of Dreams: Why is it meaningful to work with dreams, what sorts of information and knowledge can be gained.

2.The Biological Function of Dreaming: Why do we dream? What is the biological / psychological function of dreaming?

3. The Language of Dreams: What is a metaphor? By what process can the metaphorical pictures of dreams be rendered intelligible?

4.Why Are Dreams Hard to Understand: Are they trying to hide something (Freud) or are they trying to express the truth (Ullman)?

5.Experiential Dream Group Methodology: How does the group work? How is this method of dream work different from other methods? What does it have in common with them?

6.The Role of Play, Free Association and Projection: How these are used in the dream group to flesh out dream metaphors and stimulate the dreamer and group to get emotionally closer to the dream.

7.The Recent Emotional Context: What is the relationship between dreams and waking emotions? How can waking events from the day before help in the understanding a dream?

8.The Relationship Between Dreams and Health: Are all dreams healing dreams? Why is this so?

9. Nightmares: Are all dreams positive? How is this?Recurring Dreams: How to work with a dream that you keep having again and again? What is the meaning of such dreams? Are there special ways to work with them?

10.The Truthfulness of Dreams: In what ways are dreams more truthful than our waking mentation? Why is this so? How is this aspect of dreams useful to us?

11.The Past, The Present, The Future: How is it that dreams can combine past and present events? How can the dreaming mind remember things we have long forgot or maybe never even consciously recognized as significant? Can dreams see into the future?

12.Lucid Dreaming: Is it possible to be conscious during a dream and to control the dream? Is there any value to this?

13.How to Interpret One’s Own Dreams: How to keep a dream journal? What information to include? How to work with one’s own dreams by oneself? What the benefits of this are?

14.How To Organize and Lead an Experiential Dream Group: Can we do this ourselves, with our friends? Is it safe? Are there guidelines to follow?

15.Dreams and Healing: Is there a healing use for the information in dreams? Dreams and Problem Solving: Can dreams be of assistance in enhancing our problem solving capabilities?

16. Dreams and Creativity: Can dreams be of assistance in enhancing our creativity?