朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
Data Processing and Computer Applications 資料處理與電腦應用

當期課號 3450 Course Number 3450
授課教師 林佳靜 Instructor Lin,Chia Ching
中文課名 資料處理與電腦應用 Course Name Data Processing and Computer Applications
開課單位 社會工作系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程主要協助同學學習基礎電腦技巧,並發展Windows 作業系統、Office 各類套裝軟體之關聯性、PowerPoint 簡報系統之進階應用、Excel 試算表之應用以及建構個人網頁。 Objectives The purpose of this course is to introduce the operating systems of Microsoft and develop the skills of data processing for the students. The network concepts, advanced theory and the practice of “PowerPoint”, “Excel”, and “Homepage” are in the content.
教材 1.The Windows interface :an application design guide---
Microsoft Corporation.(Redmond, Wash. :Microsoft Press)
2.PowerPoint2000特訓教材,陳美玲、馬玉麟 編著
3.Office 超級寶典,陳永隆、葉清翠 編著
4.Microsoft PowerPoint 2000自學手冊,GOTOP,青琳 譯
Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.期中期末考60%
Grading Midterm and Finalterm 60%
Exercise 20%
Discuss and Attendant 20%
教學內容 本課程主要協助同學學習基礎電腦技巧,並發展Windows 作業系統、Office 各類套裝軟體之關聯性、PowerPoint 簡報系統之進階應用、Excel 試算表之應用以及建構個人網頁。 Syllabus The purpose of this course is to introduce the operating systems of Microsoft and develop the skills of data processing for the students. The network concepts, advanced theory and the practice of “PowerPoint”, “Excel”, and “Homepage” are in the content.