朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
Industrial Economics 產業經濟學

當期課號 3412 Course Number 3412
授課教師 李建強 Instructor LEE,CHIEN CHIANG
中文課名 產業經濟學 Course Name Industrial Economics
開課單位 會計系(四進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 產業經濟學是個體經濟學的一環,是專門討論經濟體系內各種產業的組織或結構,分析廠商的行為,及足以影響廠商行為與整體經濟績效的政府政策、法令等。由於它的討論重心在於產業結構與廠商行為,因此它又稱為產業結構或產業組織。產業經濟學較專注於廠商的行為,政府的政策及各種不同產業結構的分析,因此較為精細而複雜。它同時運用統計計量方法,去分析資料,是屬於一門較為專門而實用的科學。 Objectives Industrial economics is best defined as the application of microeconomic theory to the analysis of firms, markets and industries. Stigler(1968) argues that industrial economics does not really exist as a separate discipline, that it its simply differentiated microeconomics. This misses the point. The distinction arises from the overriding emphasis, in industrial economics, on empirical work and on implications for policy. Although the main focus has been on the secondary (or industrial) sector of the economy, there is no reason why study of the primary or tertiary sectors of the economy should not also be included.
教材 管理經濟學, 王國粱, 東華書局. Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中考佔30%,期末考佔40%,平時表現佔30% Grading Mid-term: 30%; Final exam: 40%; assigements: 30%
教師網頁 http://web.nchu.edu.tw/~ccl/
教學內容 首先介紹生產者行為、生產函數、成本函數的概念。接著介紹各種市場包括完全競爭市場、獨佔市場、壟斷性競爭市場及寡佔市場結構。
第1-3週 基本觀念競爭市場獨占市場
第4-6週 市場的定義市場力競爭的程度
第7-9週 資本市場期中考經濟與不經濟規模
第10-12週 廠商理論獨佔理論
第13-15週 寡佔理論
第16-18週 優勢廠商個案寡佔廠商個案
Syllabus This course focus on independent judgment is one feature; it is extended in chapter 2's appendix on student research papers. Another feature is the basic format, which presents the forms of competition and monopoly in chapters 1 through 3 and then moves immediately to monopoly's effects on performance in chapters 4 and 5. Still another feature is the many compact case studies, grouped in chapters 13 and 14.

Weeks 1-3: Basic concepts Theories of competition and monopoly
Weeks 4-6 : Market definition, imperfections, and degrees of competition Market power's effects on prices, profits, and efficiency innovation, fairness, and other values
Weeks 7-9: Capital markets, mergers, and other influences on structure Mid-term Economies and diseconomies of scale
Weeks 10-12:The firm: concepts and conditions Monopoly, dominance, and entry Price discrimination and predatory actions
Weeks 13-15:Tight oligopoly: theories and real-world patterns Vertical conditions, size and diversification, and advertising
Weeks 16-18:Case studies of dominant firms Case studies of tight oligopolies