朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
Economics 經濟學

當期課號 3371 Course Number 3371
授課教師 魏清圳 Instructor WEI,CHING CHUN
中文課名 經濟學 Course Name Economics
開課單位 會計系(四進)一B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 上學期為個體經濟學,包括供給與需求、消費選擇、廠商理論、成本與生產、產品(因素)市場等主題;下學期為總體經濟學,依總體經濟問題、國民所得之概念、國民所得之衡量、國民所得均衡分析、總體經濟政策依序講授。 Objectives This is a one-year mandatory course. The course covers "introductory microeconomics" in the first semester and "introductory macroeconomics" in the second semester respectively. The first semester includes the following topics:1.Supply and Demand; 2.Consumer Choice; 3.Theory of the Firm; 4.Production and Costs; 5.Product Markets; and, 6.Factor Markets. The second semester includes the following topics: 1.Introduction to Macroeconomics; 2.Macroeconomic Measurements: National Income, Employment, and Price Level; 3.Aggregate Demand, Aggregate Supply, and National Income Equilibrium; 4.Government Spending, Taxation, and Fiscal Policy; 5.The Banking System, the Central Bank, and Monetary Policy.
教材   Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 期中
教學內容 以上課教材為主 Syllabus 以上課教材為主