朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
Model Making Techniques 工廠實習

當期課號 2054 Course Number 2054
授課教師 王敏昭 Instructor WANG,MIN CHAO
中文課名 工廠實習 Course Name Model Making Techniques
開課單位 環境工程與管理系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 目標:讓學生實地參觀見習及加入工作行列,體會實際工作的經驗及培養應有的敬業精神。內容:1.選擇適當建教合作對象,依據學生興趣安排實習機會、2.學生必須以學習態度加入工作、3.學生必須做週記,指導老師報告學習的狀況。 Objectives The Environmental Management program requires students to serve as an intern for a period of 60 days in an enterprise to learn how the real world get environmental management done. Students will practice what they have learned in school for productive use and explore the career interest.
教材 由實習單位分配工作。Depending on the public or private sectors. Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 實習單位與指導教授各佔50% Grading Supervisor and public or private sectors account for 50% respectively.
教學內容 學生於暑假期間至政府機構與公民營機構實習或學校實驗室實習,為期二個月。 Syllabus Students were assigned to public or private sectors to learn the skills of environmental related work for future career preparation. The period for the learning is two months.