朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
Leisure Education for Young Children 幼兒休閒教育

當期課號 1913 Course Number 1913
授課教師 孫扶志 Instructor SUN,FU CHIH
中文課名 幼兒休閒教育 Course Name Leisure Education for Young Children
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四日)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 從幼兒休閒教育的理論與內涵,結合戶外教學與做中學的觀點,進行符合幼兒學習的休閒活動課程設計,並藉以提供家長與幼兒互動的教育方式,促進親子溝通,擴展幼兒生活經驗的認知學習,建立正確的休閒教育觀念。 Objectives The purpose that course of " Planning Recreation Activities for Young Children" is to design the curriculum of recreation activities for young children. The course combines the standpoints of outdoor instruction with learning by doing to expand the life experiences of young children. We want to provide the interactive style by the theories of recreation education and to promote communication between young children and parents.
教材 ※ 主要參考書:涂淑芳(譯)休閒與人類行為。桂冠圖書,台北。※ 郭俊賢、陳淑惠(譯):多元智慧的教與學。遠流出版社。※ 海闊天空2,天下雜誌1998教育特刊。※ 張輝道(民79):團康教學,五南書局。 網路資源:奇蜜親子網-父母學習中心(http://parent.kimy.com.tw Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1. 出席筆記與討論參與(30﹪) 2. 戶外教學活動設計分組報告(演示20﹪;書面20﹪) 3. 參觀報告與學習活動單設計(30﹪) Grading present and discuss;
activities designing of outdoor teaching and reporting;visiting report and learning-sheets designing
教學內容 1.熟習兒童休閒教育的理論與內涵2.結合理論與實務,並著重休閒活動的設計,期能運用於教學活動上。3.增進個人在休閒教育及活動設計上的自我成長。 Syllabus to understand the theories of Planning recreation activities for Young Children;
to design the teaching material;
to improve the abilities for recreative education development and instruction designing