朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
Second Year Japanese I 初級日文(三)

當期課號 1805 Course Number 1805
授課教師 羅張瓊誼 Instructor CHANG,CHIUNG I
中文課名 初級日文(三) Course Name Second Year Japanese I
開課單位 應用外語系(四日)二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 加強日常生活會話練習。文法部分採取由淺而深的漸進教學方式,讓學習者理解各課文法、句型變化、敬語及常體的運用。授課除教材講述外,並輔助以錄音帶及錄影帶,以利提昇學習者聽、讀、說、寫的能力。 Objectives The major objects of this course are to enhance conversion to meet daily lives of Japanese. The course also including grammar and sentence variables to learn more about Japanese. The schedule of grammar will started from middle to advance step by step for students to understand grammar, sentence patterns and could practice correctly. The teaching materials including textbook, lecture, tape and VCD to increase students’ listening, reading, speaking and writing abilities.
教材 1.日本海外技術者研修協會,民83.新日本語基礎Ι.大新書局印行. 2.張順福,鮫島重喜,張瓊瑜,民86.日本語基礎Ⅱ.高立出版社印行. Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 參考以下項目評量學及成績 1. 期中考成績 2. 期末考成績 3. 上課出席及參與狀況 4. 隨堂測驗成績 Grading These items will be taken into consideration when grading: 1. The Mid-term Exam. 2. The Final Exam. 3. Class participation and tasks done in class 4. Some tests/quizes given in class
教學內容 本課程試圖以母語教學的方式,使具基礎日文能力者更能確實的了解日文,且能正確的應用日文,而成為真正懂日文的人.內容包括:1.中級日文(句型變化,敬語使用,常體運用),2.日語文法二(句法,接續詞,動詞活用,助詞),3.日語會話二(人際溝通,請求援助,旅遊購物). Syllabus . This program tries to make start learns learn Japanese happily and understand it thoroughly by mother language teachung method . In class , besides giving students handout and textbooks to ensure their writing and reading abilities ,enhance their abilities in speaking and listening also.