朝陽科技大學 093學年度第1學期教學大綱
Security Markets Analysis 證券市場分析

當期課號 1751 Course Number 1751
授課教師 嚴宗銘 Instructor YAN,TUNG MING
中文課名 證券市場分析 Course Name Security Markets Analysis
開課單位 保險金融管理系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1. 認識證券商品,上市,交易,法令規範之基本原理
2. 強化證券商品設計,上市,交易,結算與法令稽核之專業技能
3. 培養自主學習的態度
4. 就業核心力
Objectives 1. Knowing basic principle of security on offering, transaction, and regulations.
2. Enhancing professional skills of securities products, offering, transactions, settlement and regulation audit.
3. Having autonomous study attitudes.
4. Employment core ability.
教材   Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1.指定作業之繳交及報告30%2.期中考試20%3.模擬投資競賽20%4.期末考試30% Grading (1)homework & report:30% (2)middle term Test:20% (3)Abstract Investment Game Test:20% (4)Final term Test:30%
教學內容 本課程之教學,在使學生能夠達成: (1)對證券市場基本概念有明確之理解。 (2)對證券投資之各種工具(基本分析及技術分析)能夠純熟之運用。 (3)對證券市場之經濟事象作理性之了解,敘述及適切的關心。 (4)訓練學生成為明日操盤高手。 Syllabus This course has been crafted to 3 overriding goals: (1)Focus on the core ideas. (2)create a flexible teaching and learning tool. (3)carefully developed to encourage students to learn more about stock Markets and to use technology as a mean of researching and analyzing current events.