朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Chinese Short Novels 中國短篇小說

當期課號 9208 Course Number 9208
授課教師 賴素玫 Instructor  
中文課名 中國短篇小說 Course Name Chinese Short Novels
開課單位 文學欣賞類(二進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Special Topics in Literature
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程之主要目的在於使學生能夠對於中國短篇的發展、形式、賞析、批評及閱讀方法等,都能有一簡單但明確的認識,以提升學生的文學鍵賞能力。課程內容主要包含分析小說之定義、介紹短篇小說之特色,並且選讀文學史上的重要短篇小說代表作品,諸如孟子、韓非子、莊子等古籍中的短篇小說,並依序選讀歷代的重要短篇小說代表作,並以近代的極短篇小說之實作與賞析總結。 Objectives The purpose of this course is to promote students' skill of chinese writing and application. The teacher chooses some subjects used in daily live, campus, work and scholarly research teaching and discussing on class. Students do exercises and collect ever
教材 上課方式:採分組討論方式進行
Teaching Materials The rules of the class:by team work
Every team learns to analyze the story, and the teacher will suggest the suggestion by the content.

(一)The preparation of the course.
(二)The report of the story.
成績評量方式 (一) 期中報告──30%
(二) 期末考──30%
(三) 平常成績──40%。細目如下:
1. 出席率:10%(基本分數)
2. 學習態度:虛心度、守法度…佔10%
3. 討論、發言之熱絡度:10%
4. 其它:台風、口才、創見…佔10%
Grading (一) Midterm report.──30%
(二) Final exam──30%
(三) Ordinary exam──40%--the details like this:
1. attention:10%
2. attitude of learn:10%
3. discussion:10%
4. others: 10%
教學內容 本課程採主題學的方式,選擇許多與現實生活相關的主題思想,諸如:夢與生活的關係,化蝶傳說梁祝故事、英雄歷險過程.古代貞節觀之探討.復仇情節…等。再摘錄與主題相關的古典或現代短篇小說,扣緊主題的意涵針對作品內容做深入的探析,讓學生可以在思索問題的過程中,發現到文學雋永的深意並且將文學與生活做更密切的結合。 Syllabus The course choices some famous Chinese short story which subject is close to the life. Such as:the relation of the dream and life、the hero's progress process、the virginity concept…etc. We expect to reach those targets:
(一)Designs some questions which about the text ,and lead students to think by themselves .
(二)From the easy to the difficult , let students wander about unhurriedly in the story,and let the students to grow up from the knowledge and the mind.