朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Readings in Chinese Poetry 詩詞曲賞析

當期課號 9204 Course Number 9204
授課教師 陳明義 Instructor ,
中文課名 詩詞曲賞析 Course Name Readings in Chinese Poetry
開課單位 文學欣賞類(二進) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Special Topics in Literature
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 透過對於詩詞曲之體例分析與作品欣賞,以陶冶學生之品性,並進而修正其對於中國文學的浮面印象,課程中除要求對於詩詞曲之結構有一定之認識外,並將輔以習作、吟唱、觀賞等教學方式,以期能對此一題材有更深刻之認識。 Objectives Through the learning of traditional Chinese poetry, the course aims to improve students" inner self. It will also remove students" stereotypical impression on Chinese poetry. By writing, singing, and reading poetry, we hope to make students understand the structure and essence of Chinese poetry.
教材 以課堂的講授、論析為主,著重啟發與互動的教學氣氛、效果。 Teaching Materials lecture discussion group report
成績評量方式 期中考:30% 期末考:30% 平時成績: 40% 含作業、報告、課堂表現 Grading Mid_tern exam :30% Final exam:40% Homework report class particcipation
教學內容 以周至魏晉詩之名篇、名家的選讀、介紹、論析為主,著重提升學生生命的內涵、美育的感受,同時希望能讓學生對於生命的經驗、感受與情感的激盪、抒佈上,有一更深刻的認識與理解。 Syllabus This course will introduce students some famous poems from Chou Dynasty to Wei-Chin Dynasty. From the readings of the famous writers,enhance students’ life spirits and purify their feelings about everyday life. In class,students can share their life experience and feelings through the article readings so that they can have deeply understanding and comprehension.