朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Emergent Literacy 幼兒語言表達

當期課號 8003 Course Number 8003
授課教師 梁珀華 Instructor LIANG,POH HWA
中文課名 幼兒語言表達 Course Name Emergent Literacy
開課單位 師資培育中心(幼教學程)一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程主要定義出早期幼兒的語言能力和評估早期幼兒在唸讀及書寫部分的發展,同時也提升幼兒口語表達能力狀況。在教師角色分析部分說明目前教師在提升幼兒早期的語言經驗例子,例如教師需要去創造幼兒的學習環境、計畫課程、教學策略和從事教導幼兒的讀與寫的經驗等等。 Objectives The course objectives are: be able to define early emergent literacy and to assess children's early language, reading, writing and development, also, to promote children's oral language development. Interpret current teacher role in promoting early literacy such as creating learning environments, planning curriculum, engaging children in reading experiences and writing experiences.
教材 課堂講述,
Teaching Materials Lecture,
Group activity and discussion,
Student teaching,
成績評量方式 平時作業 30%,
期中考 30%,
期末教學演示 30%,
課堂參與 10%
Grading Assignments 30%,
Midterm 30%,
Final 30%,
Participation 10%
教學內容 本課程將探討全語言的理論基礎,運用的方式,與運用的實例。課程內容包含全語言之概念介紹,與全語言幼稚園之實施方式。本課程之進行方式將採用理論與實務並進的方式;除了提供你相關的理論架構與基礎之外,並強調全語言教學設計之實際練習,以幫助你結合理論與實務。修習完本課程之後,你應能瞭解全語言之內涵,理論架構,以及全語言幼稚園之教學與實務。 Syllabus This course provides basic understanding on young children's language learning with regards to "Whole Language". The theories of "whole Language" and how to transform the theoies into practice in the early childhood classroom are both emphasized. The objectives of the courses are to help preservice kindergarten teachers to understand the concept of whole language as well as design appropriate activies for young children by providing the opportunities for student teacing.