朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Research in Teaching English to Young Children 幼兒美語專題研究

當期課號 7205 Course Number 7205
授課教師 李宜娟 Instructor LEE,YI CHUAN
中文課名 幼兒美語專題研究 Course Name Research in Teaching English to Young Children
開課單位 幼兒保育系碩士班一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 此課程主要在幫助學生:
Objectives The objectives of the course for students are:
1. To be familiar with the basic theories and knowledge regarding language learning and acquisition, bilingual education, second language learning, and English teaching methods, etc.
2. To understand the status quo, issues, and the trend of English teaching for young children in Taiwan.
3. To acquire professional research abilities, to care about, understand, analyze, and critique issues regarding teaching young children English, and to write a research proposal.
教材 講堂講授、教學媒体的應用、文獻閱讀分析與討論 、個人專題研究報告分享 Teaching Materials Students who take this course will be asked to read a serious of ariticles and do the critiques. The first part of the class will be lectures by the course instructor. The second part contains presentations and discussions by each of the students. Students must propse a final proposal of their resaerch plans and do the presentation during the end of the semester.
成績評量方式 出席率及課堂參與表現……10%
Grading Attendance and participation....10%; mid-term reports and presentation ...30%; research presentation and discussion...30%;final proposal...30%
教學內容 此課程主要在幫助學生(1)能熟悉語言學習與獲得、雙語教育、第二語言與外語學習、英語教學法等的基本理論與知識,(2)瞭解幼兒美語教學在本國實施的現況、問題點與未來之趨勢,(3)具備專業的研究能力--能關心、了解、分析與批判幼兒美語相關的議題,進而擬定專題研究計劃。 Syllabus This course is to help students (1) be familiar with the basic thoery and knowledge regarding language learning and acquisition, bilingual education, second language learning, and English teaching methods, and so on, (2) understand the situation, issues, and the trend in Taiwan, and (3) care about, understand, analyze, and criticize the issues regarding teaching young children English in order to make research plans.