朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Language Curricula Design 語言課程設計

當期課號 6323 Course Number 6323
授課教師 嚴嘉琪 Instructor YAN,JIA CHYI
中文課名 語言課程設計 Course Name Language Curricula Design
開課單位 應用外語系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 此課程之目標是為要賦予已有教書經驗的同學們發展語言課程設計的概念,為達到最有效的規劃,語言課程發展中的決策,以實地操作及重新思考與回顧為準則。成功的語言課程設計包括了課程設計發展過程及創新語言課程中許多各種不同的策劃與執行步驟。這些過程包括決定學習者的需求,課程的內容分析和內容背景因素衝擊的考量,學習成果策劃和一個課程或一套教學教材的組織,語言教學教材的選擇和準備,有效教學的準備、維持和語言課程的評量等。 Objectives The goal of this course is to endow the student teachers with ideas of designing language courses and provide the basis for more effective planning and decision making in language program development, implementation, and review. Successful language designing is the ideas to use a variety of planning and implementation processes involved in developing or renewing a language program. These processes include determining learners’ needs, analysis of the context for the program and consideration of the impact of contextual factors, the planning of learning outcomes, and organization of a course or set of teaching materials, the selection and preparation of teaching materials, provision for and maintenance of effective teaching, and evaluation of the language program.
教材   Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 出席12%; 章節摘要18%; 章節報告35%; 期末報告35% Grading attendance 12%; summary 18%; chapter presentation 35%; final report 35%
教學內容 使學生對語言課程設計與實踐有廣泛且深入的了解. Syllabus To enable students to become knowledgeable about language course design and its application.