朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Introduction to Television/Film 影視攝影

當期課號 6241 Course Number 6241
授課教師 許維哲 Instructor HSU,WEI CHE
中文課名 影視攝影 Course Name Introduction to Television/Film
開課單位 傳播藝術系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 教學目標:
1.(知識) 了解攝影美學基本知識
2.(技能) 具備操作攝影機及等光技術
3.(態度) 培養專業態度
4.(其他) 了解影像本質
Objectives 1. Gain a basic understanding of cinematography and videography (knowledge) 2. Learn to operate cameras and other film and video equipment, including lights (skills) 3. Cultivate a professional filmmaking attitude (development) 4. Appreciate and understand the nature of moving images (other)
教材 教學與實務操作 Teaching Materials Lectures and practice
成績評量方式 作品表現90%(作品各30%)、課間表現與討論10% Grading Group project*3 90%, Assignment and class discussion 10%
教學內容 此課程希望藉由講師介紹平面攝影、ENG攝影及電影攝影的基礎原理、和操作方式、並由同學實際操作來熟悉, 讓同學奠定影視攝影工作的概念, 同時藉由基本理論的應用討論, 希望進一步激發同學對攝影表現的創意。 Syllabus This course will give the student to have a comprehensive step by step guide to video shooting and cinematography. Students will learn and practice the camera techniques as an art including creativity, technical standard and tradition.