朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
General Biology 普通生物學

當期課號 6211 Course Number 6211
授課教師 賴龍山 Instructor LAI,LONG SHAN
中文課名 普通生物學 Course Name General Biology
開課單位 應用化學系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標   Objectives  
教材 教材與講義
Teaching Materials Class notes
Vedio tape
Reference books
成績評量方式 四次考試(每次占20%,含期中靠考,期末考以及兩次測驗)
Grading 1.20% will be given for each of the four examinations. 2.Term-report on the special topics also deserve 20% (25% for the 10 reports in a form of good organization) of the course evaluation. 3.An additional bonus (10% in the maximum) will be considered based on the class attendance and problem discussion.
教學內容 正統的生物學教育包括國小、國中、高中以及大學之教學,主要涵蓋兩大部份:傳統生物學與分析生物學;前者包括人類感官所認知的動物、植物等(例如動物會動、植物會開花),它是一種認知的生物學,而後者則是利用已知的物理、化學原理來探求生命現象的表徵,它用到電子顯微鏡、電泳儀、超高速離心機等作為生物及其代謝物質的分析,主要依賴包括細胞學、生化學與遺傳學。近年來生命科學由於一些貴重儀器與技術的進步,才得以蓬勃發展,其中最令人興奮的莫過於與生物技術的進展(此技術整合與生物有關的各種知識);您若對這些報導有興趣,就非得從基礎的生物學開始。 Syllabus Biology is generally devided as two parts: traditional and analytical biology in the education of elementary schools to universities. The former part covers the principles of animals and plants through our observation and recognization, whereas the latter one describes the operational logics of life science through the development of microscopy, electrophoresis...etc. By the aid of cell biology, biochemistry and genetics the analysis of cell metabolism becomes possible and feasible. Meanwhile, the development in biotechnology, the practical application that integrates the knowledge of biology, astonishes us most. If you are interested in this field, then why not prepare yourself from the knowledge of General Biology?