朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Evnironment Impact Assessment(EIA)in Recreational Areas 遊憩區環境影響評估

當期課號 4235 Course Number 4235
授課教師 羅鳳恩 Instructor LO,FENG EN
中文課名 遊憩區環境影響評估 Course Name Evnironment Impact Assessment(EIA)in Recreational Areas
開課單位 休閒事業管理系(二日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 協助學生瞭解有關遊憩區環境影響評估的規定及操作架構,主要課程包括行政及法規條文之介紹。 Objectives Provides students a basic knowledge of the requirements and frameworks of the EIA process, including the introduction of administraton and regulations.
教材 授課講解、錄影帶、投影片、幻燈片。 Teaching Materials Lecture, projector, VCR, VCD, Discussion.
成績評量方式 1.出席率 20% ,2.上課晴形 20%,3.上台及書面報告40%,4.期末考試20%。 Grading 1.Attendance rate 20% 2.Profermance at class 20% 3.Presation and report 40% 4.Final exam 20%.
教學內容 何謂環境影響評估的方法,環境影響評估法規,並以目前我國實際案例,例如:月眉遊樂區、高爾夫球場等案例,來輔助教學。-實施境影響評估並不是不能開發,而是希望將開發所造成之影響減到最小,即是所謂的替代方案,故本門課將教導國內外休閒資源管理之方法。 Syllabus This will introduce the potential environmental impacts of the recreation area, such as parks, play grounds, shopping centers, …..and so on.The Law Enforcementof Environmental Impact Assessment does not mean that we cannot develop a new industry. It is to find a good substituble method to reduce the potential environmental impacts. Besides the theories and practices on Environmental Impact Assessment, the methods of the recretional resources management will also be emphasized.