朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Outdoor Recreation Management 風景區經營管理

當期課號 4228 Course Number 4228
授課教師 賴文仁 Instructor LAI,WEN JEN
中文課名 風景區經營管理 Course Name Outdoor Recreation Management
開課單位 休閒事業管理系(二日)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 課程主要講述關於風景區之經營方式、管理規劃。 Objectives The course focus on the management and operating of scenic resorts.
教材 1. 體認在有限的資源下,有效地利用與經營管理遊憩資源。
2. 瞭解應以滿足遊客的遊憩活動需求,來規劃開發適當的遊憩設施。
3. 透過規劃與經營管理遊憩資源,尊重其資源、維持其品質,了解永績共生的重要性。
Teaching Materials There are all units lay out the understanding, knowledge and skills in detail and indicates what the student needs to produce in terms of evidence.
成績評量方式 分組研討20%,期中報告30%,口頭報告20%,期末報告30% Grading Team works 20%,mid-term 30%,Presentation 20%, Final report 30%
教學內容 風景特定區計畫之規劃及執行;自然之利用、保育及特有生態、地質、景觀之維護;觀光遊憩活動之推廣、旅遊服務及解說;旅遊安全之維護及管理 Syllabus The course presents an integrated approach to studying recreation resources and activities those outdoor resources issues within natural resources context. It makes students to understand and acknowledge the close ties that link the administration and operation with vistors relationship service and applies it to leisure and recreation.