朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Discrete Mathematics 離散數學

當期課號 4037 Course Number 4037
授課教師 林芳昌 Instructor LIN,FANG CHANG
中文課名 離散數學 Course Name Discrete Mathematics
開課單位 資訊管理系(二日)三A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 使學生對電腦有更進一步的體會,加強訓練學生的邏輯思考推演能力。內容包括:邏輯引論、數學歸納法、集合理論、函數、排列與組合、鴿籠原理、遞迴關係及圖形理論。 Objectives An important goal of this course is to develop student’s ability to think logically. This course will introduce the concept of logic, the language of mathematics, mathematical induction, set theory, fumction, counting methods, the pigeonhole principle, recurrence relation, and graph theory.
教材 利用投影片與板書說明教科書中題材,以實際題目演練為主。 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 1. 作業和平時成績
2. 期中考
3. 期末考
教學內容 1. Logic and Proofs.
2. The Language of Mathematics.
3. Counting Methods and Pigeonhole Principle.
4. Generating Function.
5. Recurrence Relation.
6. Graph Theory.
7. Boolean Algebra and Combinatorial Circuits
Syllabus 1. Logic and Proofs.
2. The Language of Mathematics.
3. Counting Methods and Pigeonhole Principle.
4. Generating Function.
5. Recurrence Relation.
6. Graph Theory.
7. Boolean Algebra and Combinatorial Circuits