朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Calculus 微積分

當期課號 3294 Course Number 3294
授課教師 武季蔚 Instructor WU,CHEI WEI
中文課名 微積分 Course Name Calculus
開課單位 會計系(四進)一B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 數學模式廣泛應用在企業經營、經濟、統計、財務、管理等社會科學領域,其中微積分尤為重點。因此,對微積分的了解有助於同學在其主修領域的學習。本課程按函數、極限、微分、積分之順序講授並隨時輔以範例說明其應用情形。 Objectives Mathematic models are widely applied to business, economics, statistics, financial, management, and other social science fields. Of all these models, calculus is the most important. The realization in calculus will help students to study each major field. This course is to introduce function, limit, differentiation, and integration in order. And some real examples will be given to explain its application.
教材 數學模式廣泛應用在企業經營、經濟、統計、財務、管理等社會科學領域,其中微積分尤為重點。因此,對微積分的了解有助於同學在其主修領域的學習。本課程按函數、極限、微分、積分之順序講授並隨時輔以範例說明其應用情形。 Teaching Materials Mathematic models are widely applied to business, economics, statistics, financial, management, and other social science fields. Of all these models, Calculus is the most important. The realization in calculus will help to study each major field. This course is to introduce the Function, Limit, Differentiation, and Integration in order. And some real examples will be given to explain its application.
成績評量方式 1. 小考 40%。 2. 期中考 30%。 3. 期末考 30%。 Grading 1. Quizs: 40%。 2. Middle Term Exam.: 30%。 3. Final Exam.: 30%。
教學內容 1. 理論傳授。 2. 邏輯推演訓練。 3. 以經濟函數為例說明。 Syllabus 1. Instruction of Theory; 2. Training of Technic; 3. Illustration with Economics Function.