朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Research Methods in Education 教育研究法

當期課號 3275 Course Number 3275
授課教師 蔡嫦娟 Instructor TSAY,CHARNG JIUAN
中文課名 教育研究法 Course Name Research Methods in Education
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四進)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程主要目標為深入了解教育領域的研究方法,使研究生能具備理解與批判研究論文的能力,及計畫與執行研究的能力。課程中要求學生實際執行一小型研究,以便從中理解教育研究的方法。本課程內容包括,介紹教育研究法領域的主要範疇,包括:科學方法的性質、研究倫理、研究問題的選擇、文獻探討、研究設計、抽樣、測量工具編製與使用、資料蒐集的方法、資料處理及研究報告撰寫等。 Objectives The course is aimed to advance graduate students' knowledge of research methods in education, to help them become critical readers of research knowledge, and to plan and conduct a research study. Students are required to conduct a small research project and write a report to help them gain a better understanding of research methods. The course contains topics such as: research methods in science, research ethics, selection of research questions, literature review, research design, sampling, measurements, data collection methods, data analyses, and writing a research report.
教材 上課方式以講授為主,但鼓勵同學參與意見與討論。另外,本課程有作業,同學必須繳交作業,才能熟悉各項研究方法的運用,同學們互相的討論,對作業幫助極大。 Teaching Materials Students who take this course must participate the class on time. Basically, the course contains lectures by the course instructor. But, students' questions and discussion are very encouraged. Students also need to write a research proposal for this course.
成績評量方式 課堂參與及作業成績(25%)、期中考(25%)、期末考(25%)
Grading homework & class participation(25%)、midterm exam(25%)、final exam(25%)term paper(25%)
教學內容 本課程主要目標為介紹教育領域的研究方法,使學生能瞭解研究的步驟與過程,並且在課程中要求學生實際操作一小型研究及撰寫研究報告,以便從中理解教育研究的方法。修習此課程同學未來閱讀期刊文章可有更深的理解,並對報考研究所時所需準備的研究計畫有直接助益。
Syllabus The main purpose of this course is to introducat the basic knowledge of research methods in education. The course contains the topics such as: research methods in science, selection of research questions, searching for literature, research design, sampling, measurement instruments, data collection, data analysis, and research report writing.