朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Consumer Behavior 消費者行為

當期課號 3142 Course Number 3142
授課教師 莊世杰 Instructor CHUANG,SHIN CHIEH
中文課名 消費者行為 Course Name Consumer Behavior
開課單位 企業管理系(四進)二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 消費者行為學為行銷管理領域課程之一。探討消費者的需求,並提供最能滿足消費者需求的產品或服務,採取由內而外的做法,由消費者的重機、認知、學習、涉入、態度、溝通和自我觀念等方面著手;由個人決策過程配合群體決策影響,再輔以社會文化學觀念探討消費者行為。 Objectives This subject introduces the process of consumer buying behavior,including the inner and outer factors.The inner factors include motivation, attitude, perception and lifestyle. The outer factors include families,society,culture , situational influences, and so on. With the combination of the theory and empirical examples,the students can fully understand the decision process of buying behavior.
教材 1.以學習者為中心,採團隊學習方式,以3~5人為一組
Teaching Materials 1. lecture
2. discussion
成績評量方式 1.上課發言成績(團體成績) 50%(以組為單位,每星期評一次)
2.期末報告成績(團體成績) 40%(以組為單位,評分以該組回答問題的正碓性 )
3個人課堂參與情形(個別成績) 10%(評分標準:發言是否對主題的了解有幫

Grading 1. presentation
2. involved in dicussion
教學內容 本課程的教學目的在於使學生吸收相關的消費者行為的知識,並懂得理論之應用。本課程是所有相關之行銷課程之進階課程在此課程中將儘量呈現在學術與實務上有關消費者行為相關問題之因果關係,以供學生之實務應用。 Syllabus purpose of this course is that introduce the subject of consumer behavior and provides an understanding of the breadth of the field . You will learn that consumer behavior involves more than the purchasing of products . It also involves consumers,use of services ,activites,and ideas.You will understand that marketers are interested inf the decision making inherent in all xonsumer behavior