朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Introduction to Computers 計算機概論

當期課號 3044 Course Number 3044
授課教師 林泓毅 Instructor LIN,HUNG YI
中文課名 計算機概論 Course Name Introduction to Computers
開課單位 財務金融系(四進)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程主要的目的在介紹電腦軟、硬體使用的方法與觀念,以及生活中的實際應用,使學生能充分瞭解資訊社會帶來的便利,並期其善用各種電腦網路的資源。 Objectives In this class, we provide the contents: a brief historical perspective, an overview of hardware and software options, and computer applications in our real-life. We hope the students can learn and utility the powerful tool in an information age
教材 利用電腦廣播教學, 老師示範操作與解說原理, 再由同學各自重複操作 Teaching Materials The teacher demonstrates operations of computers and explains the basic theories for students. Then students practice the same operational steps.
成績評量方式 平時成績(出席,作業,上機 ) 60% 期中筆試20% 期末筆試 20% Grading Usual score(attendance, homework, practice) 60% Middle term exam. 20% Final term exam. 20%
教學內容 以操作導向, 電腦理論為輔, 讓學生認識 windows 作業系統, 多媒體, Word, Excel, Powerpoint, Outlook, Internet 等相關的操作知識, 以利學生日後學業與工作上的實務需求. Syllabus Teach students how to use computer software well and fluently is the major task in this course. The theories of computer science assist students to operate computers smoothly. The operational programs include Windows XP, multimedia, Microsoft Office 2002, Internet, and Network. The target of this course is to train students to meet the requirements of practical application.