朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Environmental Science 環境生態學

當期課號 2121 Course Number 2121
授課教師 羅鳳恩 Instructor LO,FENG EN
中文課名 環境生態學 Course Name Environmental Science
開課單位 休閒事業管理系(四日)一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本門課將會介紹環與生態之關係及為何要研究生態學?何謂生態保育?其主題如下:生物存在的要素、全球氣候變化所引起的問題、濕地與黑面琵鷺、台灣棲蘭山的枯立木、何為環境荷爾蒙、台塑公司的汞污泥事件。 Objectives The course introducing (1)Understanding of interpersonal communication skills. (2)Development of interpersonal skills. (3)Communication of occupational relationship.
教材 授課講解,幻燈片、投影片、錄影帶與影碟教學與討論。 Teaching Materials Lecture, projector, VCR, VCD, Discussion.
成績評量方式 1.出席率20%,2.上課表現20% 3.期中考30%,3.期末考 30%。 Grading 1.Attendance rate 20% 2.Profermance at class 20% 3.Middle examation 30% 4.Final examination.
教學內容 本門課將會介紹環與生態之關係及為何要研究生態學?何謂生態保育?其主題如下:生物存在的要素、全球氣候變化所引起的問題、濕地與黑面琵鷺、台灣棲蘭山的枯立木、何為環境荷爾蒙、台塑公司的汞污泥事件。 Syllabus This class will introduce the relationships between environment and ecology, and why scientists start to research the ecology? The theories of ecology and environment will be defined. The following issues will also be introduced in this class: the conditions for life, the potential problems of the global warming and the worldwide climate change, the importance of wetlands and spoonbills, the problems of the Chi-Lan Forests in Taiwan, what is Endocrine Disruptors, and what is the mercury sewage of the Formosa Plastic Company in Taiwan?