朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Creation in Multimedia(2) 數位多媒體表現(二)

當期課號 1563 Course Number 1563
授課教師 楊郁芬 Instructor YANG,YU FEN
中文課名 數位多媒體表現(二) Course Name Creation in Multimedia(2)
開課單位 視覺傳達設計系(四日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程在培養學生對電腦多媒體的製作過程有完整的概念,並熟悉各個元素(圖片、文字、聲音、動畫….等)在節目中的運用? 透過實際的製作,經由創意腳本、製作腳本、畫面設計、程式編序、音訊整合等流程,完成一部互動電腦多媒體節目,題材包括了廣告、商業簡報、作品集錦、互動教材等。 Objectives The complete concept about computer multimedia will go through this class. Students will be skillful with each element of multimedia, such as graphics?text?sound?animation ….etc. , with following the class programe, the process will go through creative storyboard?produce?storyboard?interface design?script program? sound edit….,. to accomplish an interactive multimedia works by interaction each of them. The topics of the multimedia can be advertisement?commercial report? portfolio?interactive education material…etc.
教材 Approach理論與實務操作,並配合光碟片、錄影帶、多媒體互動教學 Teaching Materials Theory and practical workshop, CD-Rom, videotape and intercative Multimedia learning.
成績評量方式 平時參與討論與學習態度 10% 期中作業 40% 期末作業 50% 出席率 10% Grading Discussing, Learning Attitude 10% Mid-Term 40% Final-Term 50% Attendance 10%
教學內容 以數位媒體傳達結合文字、圖形、聲音影片、動畫與一些程式語法等不同的表現形式結合,並啟發數位影像的創意靈感,運用多媒體整合所呈現,而發揮無限動畫與創意。
Syllabus Digital media is basic on texts, graphics, sound, images, animations,
video and script. For communication and different ideas cooperate to
unlimited digital media platforms.
On these classes training, we'll study the concept and theory of
digital animation, media tools for making media steps. And feel free
in observation and see through different media shows. Even the
beginning of film concept, story-board, scene scripts, rolls, and
digital board drawing, rendering, camera, scenes, sound effect, vocal,
and 3D camera effect, etc. All those special effects will present in
the classes.