朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Graphic Techniques 設計技法

當期課號 1519 Course Number 1519
授課教師 曾培育 Instructor TSENG,PEI YU
中文課名 設計技法 Course Name Graphic Techniques
開課單位 視覺傳達設計系(四日)一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 1、學習各種速寫技法、建立日常觀察與描繪習慣
Objectives The purpose of this course is to lead students to explore the natures of different media and to figure out how to use them to present graphic works. Except pencils and charcoals, they will try the other drawing media such as watercolor, crayon, pastel, or acrylic color. By combining visual theoretic studies and graphic techniques, students are encouraged to develop their personal styles and original source in graphic design, and preparing for the illustration or animation program.
教材 課堂講授、作品觀摩、技法示範、實作練習、集體評圖、作品個別分析討論 Teaching Materials lecture, analyzing works, skill demo and practicing, criticizing and discussing
成績評量方式 作  業
1, 每個單元各有不同作業。
2, 單元四為期中作業;單元七為期末作業。
3, 每週課後自行練習一件作業,內容體裁不拘,於期中、期末評分檢討。

Grading 30%- learning effect
20%- study attitude
50%- level of works
教學內容 1, 水性彩繪媒材的特性介紹及技法表現練習
2, 透明水彩作品賞析,風景、人物技法練習
3, 彩繪技法在插畫及視覺傳達設計創作之應用
Syllabus It is an advanced program in the four-year undergraduated degree, so students already understand the drawing skills in the first year course. The purpose of this course is to lead students to explore the natures of different media and to figure out how to use them to present graphic works. Except pencils and carcoals, they will try the other drawing media such as watercolor, water ink, crayon, pastel, or acrylic color. By combining visual theoretic studies and graphic techniques, students are encouraged to develop their personal styles in graphic design, and prepar for the illustration program.