朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Practical Writing Skills 實用中文

當期課號 1461 Course Number 1461
授課教師 劉志宏 Instructor JI,HOUNG LIU
中文課名 實用中文 Course Name Practical Writing Skills
開課單位 校訂必修(四日) Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程分別瞭解文學特性、修辭技巧、體認各類文體及其寫作、到採訪與編輯。再者熟識實用文書,從寫出令人印象深刻的自傳、履歷表、正確的封文、得體的書信、自薦及推薦信、名片和便條、以及函、簽、公告、會議文書、書狀、廣告、啟事、題辭、柬帖、禮品題詞、賀卡致意等常識要領寫法介紹。此外,因應學生就學就業,特加強學術報告、研究計劃,公職考試公文、有效提升考試作文成績等主題之探討。 Objectives The purpose of the course is to improve the students’ ability to express themselves in “Practical Chinese”. The course is designed for the need of the real word. Using a variety of media, the course trains the students to write and speak well in the modern working environment.
教材 平常上課以教師講授為主,小組合作學習為輔,期中、期末考前學生分組討論口頭報告,配合各單元並進行相關電影的欣賞。 Teaching Materials The way are mainly writing,designing ang collecting works.
成績評量方式 1.期中考:30% 2.期末書面報告或筆試:30% 3.小組上台報告:20% 4.個人課堂綜合表現:20% Grading Midterm Exam 30%, Final reading report or written Exam 30%, group presentation 20%,Regular attendance and participation 20%.
教學內容 本課程旨在訓練同學如何寫好書信、履歷自傳表。並從思想內容及文章句法來加強與訓練。在「思想方面」,將採取《老子》、《四書讀本》等書,教導同學如何應對進退,真誠有效地面對週遭,圓融地處理職場上的人際關係;在「文句章法結構上」,將以黃慶萱的《修辭學》及黃永武《字句鍛鍊法》為主,運用寫作技巧與精妙修辭,使優美的文句章法,充分豐富、展現你要傳達的意思與思想。讓「思維內容」和「修辭章法」相互扣合完形,從紮實的根基向上開展、繁茂,寫出一篇有內涵、又有章法,文情並茂的書信、履歷自傳表。進而,也培養同學文章鑑賞的能力,產生創作(散文或小詩或詩)的興趣與熱忱。 Syllabus The purpose of this course is to promote students' skill of chinese writing and application. The teacher chooses some subjects used in daily live, campus, work and scholarly research teaching and discussing on class. Students do exercises and collect everyone's works to publish.