朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
The Cultural of the Silk Road of the Sea 海上絲路文化-香料,歐洲東亞交通

當期課號 0429 Course Number 0429
授課教師 耿慧玲 Instructor KENG,HUI LING
中文課名 海上絲路文化-香料,歐洲東亞交通 Course Name The Cultural of the Silk Road of the Sea
開課單位 實用歷史類(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Topics in History
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標   Objectives  
教材 主題方式講授。
Teaching Materials Thematic lectures.
Assisting teaching materials of projectors, VHS, and other devices.
Instruct students to become involved in related studies, and write reports of relevance.
成績評量方式 學生參與教學活動的積極性及出席率30%
Grading Student's involvment and attendance 30%
Mid-term report 30%
Final report or exam 40%
教學內容 1、討論中國採取內陸型發展政策,對於中國在近代海權勢力興起所受到的影響。2、討論西方對東方交通路線的改變,對於台灣地位的轉變所造成的影響。3、由西方在16~17世紀對於東方開發的立場,反觀這一個時期,世界在此交通路線成立後所造成的改變。4、比較東西方在16~17世紀文化發展的異同。 Syllabus 1. discuss China's inland development policy and how it is influenced by China's early-modern rise of maritime power; 2. discuss the shift of the communication routes of the west to the east, and its influence on the change of Taiwan's stance; 3. present a reflective view from the western aspect of development in the east during the 16~17 century on the change of the world after such communication route has been astablished; 4. compare the eastern and western cultural developments during the 16 and 17 centuries.