朝陽科技大學 092學年度第2學期教學大綱
Popular Chinese Literature 通俗文學選讀

當期課號 0314 Course Number 0314
授課教師 鄭美惠 Instructor CHANG,MEI HUI
中文課名 通俗文學選讀 Course Name Popular Chinese Literature
開課單位 文學欣賞類(日) Department  
修習別 選擇必修 Required/Elective Special Topics in Literature
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 通俗小說起於唐宋,直到現在,愛情、公案、神怪、俠義為寫作題材的作品,常與純文學互相交流影響。本課程介紹現代通俗小說,並兼及古代,上課採專題式講授、選讀名篇欣賞,希望讓學生認識我國通俗文學的美感。 Objectives Popular literatures start from Tang and Song dynasties and still exist today. The main topics are romances, crimes, fantasies, and adventures. Popular literatures are often influenced by formal literatures, and vice versa. This class introduces modern popular literatures and covers some classic popular literary works as well. The class is conducted in lectures, readings of popular literature selections. The goal is to let students understand the beauty of Chinese popular literature.
教材 概論性介紹民間文學及各種文體,並引導學生討論相關問題,進而思考民間文學的新意義與現代的再利用。 Teaching Materials 1.Lecture
成績評量方式 1、平時成績40%
(1)出席 20%:不定時抽點,缺席三次且期末考成績未達60分者,學期總成績不及格。
2、期中分組報告 30%:口頭 + 書面
3、期末考 30 %:筆試,範圍為本學期所上之部分。
Grading 1.Ordinary 40%
2.Mid-term paper 30%
3.Final exam. 30%
教學內容 1、民間文學分為故事(神話、傳說、民間故事等)及歌謠(敘事歌謠、童謠等)兩個大類,與一般所謂的通俗文學實有差別。在文學發展過程中,它具有深刻的影響力,卻長期被忽略。所以,本課程將先介紹民間文學的本質與特徵,再依各種文類介紹不同主題的作品,進而再現它的意義與價值。
Syllabus The goal of this course is to enable students to understand the folklore,the meanings and values in the history of the literature that will enable them to realize the beauty of the folklore literature and treasure it.