朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Introduction to Education 教育概論

當期課號 8621 Course Number 8621
授課教師 林建良 Instructor LIN,CHIEN LIANG
中文課名 教育概論 Course Name Introduction to Education
開課單位 師資培育中心(中教學程進)一A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 教育概論即是一門探究教育本質、教育目的、教育歷史淵源、教育理論基礎以及種種與教育相關議題的學科,讓學習者得以藉由教育概論這門科目的學習,明暸教育對人們的意義與價值,進而建立基本的自我認知。 Objectives This course is to see the essence of education, the purpose of education, the history of education, the theory of education and other theories about education. Let the learners understand the meaning and value which education brought to us.
教材 1.教材研討
Teaching Materials 1. Discussing the issues from lectures.
2.Arguing of brain storming from the issues.
成績評量方式 1.Quiz:40%
2.Mid-term : 30%
3.Final test:30%
Grading 1.小考:40%
教學內容 1.了解教育的本質,並從各種學說來印證教育的真正意涵.
Syllabus 1.To identify the statue of education. Also, we try to improve the meaning about the professional education from some theories.
2. Try to look for the aims of education and the teaching methods used in our education areas.