朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Research in Early Childhood Educational Approaches 幼兒教保模式專題研究

當期課號 7732 Course Number 7732
授課教師 林楚欣 Instructor LIN,CHU SHIN
中文課名 幼兒教保模式專題研究 Course Name Research in Early Childhood Educational Approaches
開課單位 幼兒保育系碩士在職專班二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程旨在探討各種幼兒教保模式的發展起源、哲學理論、課程與教學特色、評量方法,以及在世界各地被應用的情形,並比較評析其中的異同與優缺點,配合研究文獻,啟發學生深入思考幼兒教育與保育的適當做法。 Objectives The course is aimed to discuss the origin, philosophy, curriculum and instruction, assessment methods, and application of early childhood educational approaches in the world. Also, students will critique strengths and weaknesses of every approach, and compare the similarities and differences. After reading related literature, students are expected to contemplate about the most appropriate practices in early childhood care and education.
教材 課堂講授、閱讀討論分享、學生成果報告 Teaching Materials lecture, sharing and discussion of reading material, final report of students
成績評量方式 出席 20% 閱讀分享:20%
提問及省思能力 30% 期末報告:30%
Grading attendance 20% reading sharing 20%
questionning and reflection 30% final report 30%
教學內容 透過資料閱讀、影帶觀賞,研討各類幼兒教保模式,期使學生能了解、分析、批判幼兒的課程內涵與教學方法。 Syllabus Through material reading and video watching to research different approaches of early educationa and care. Students are expected to understand, analyze, and critique the curriculum content and teaching methods of early education.