朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Special Topics of Analytical Techniques(III) 分析技術專題(三)

當期課號 7687 Course Number 7687
授課教師 張玉珍 Instructor CHANG,YU CHEN
中文課名 分析技術專題(三) Course Name Special Topics of Analytical Techniques(III)
開課單位 應用化學系碩士在職專班二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 此課程是專為研究所分析組的學生所設立的。分析組的學生與老師平均每月聚一次由學生輪流進行研究進度的報告,通常學生會提出研究中所遇到的困難供大家討論以增加改進之機會。 Objectives This course focus on the learning of the analytical technique of modern science. The graduate student have to reports what they have studied on their research every month with other groups graduate student and professor. Usually, students have to report what kind of trouble they encountered during their research for every one to discuss.
教材 以研究群聯合會議方式進行,各修課研究生均需以口頭報告其研究內容與進度,並繳交研究結果摘要一份。 Teaching Materials The course proceeds with four union group meetings. Each graduate student has to prepare for oral presentation and written abstract in one page concerning his(her) research work in all meetings except the 1st meeting.
成績評量方式 依照理工學院訂定之成績考核通則行之。 1.研究生在修課當學期至少在國際學術研討會發表論文一篇(獲刊出摘要一則),論文全文一篇或看國內研討會論文輯,完成期刊論文投稿,或完成國內外專利申請,學期成績得在90分以上。 2.研究生在修課當學期至少在國內研討會發表論文一篇並或刊出摘要一則,學期成績得在85至89之間(含)。 3.研究生成績必須由專題課程之研究群全體教師共同評定。 Grading The grade for each graduate student will be given by all advisors who join this union research group and based on the regulations made by College of Science and Engineering.
教學內容 由研究內容性質相類似的研究室組成研究群,進行聯合討論會議,藉由多位指導教師共同指導的學習方式,以及研究生彼此的相互討論,達到知識創新與技術應用更寬廣深厚的目標。 Syllabus The union research group is formed from the lab. working on the similar research content. The union group meeting is held four times during the semester. Through the instruction from advisors and the mutual discussion among the graduate students, the objective of this course to widen and lengthen the research work can be achieved.