朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Strategic Human Resource Management 人力資源管理策略研究

當期課號 7144 Course Number 7144
授課教師 張鐵軍 Instructor CHANG,TIEH CHUN
中文課名 人力資源管理策略研究 Course Name Strategic Human Resource Management
開課單位 企業管理系碩士班一A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程主要以人力資源管理之相關課題為授課內容,包括:人力資源管理之涵蓋範圍、人力資源規劃、工作設計、人員招募與選用、人員訓練、員工生涯發展與職業前程規劃、績效考核、薪酬與獎懲、勞工關係與福利等課題,以使學習本課程之學生,能瞭解企業機構在人力資源管理上應有之功能與基本理論。 Objectives These courses aimed Human Resource Management at providing student with a complete and applied review of essential HR concepts and techniques. The content of these semesters I tried address several issues, including the strategic role of Human Resource Management, HR planning and recruiting, job analysis and employee selection, training and developing employees, appraising and managing performance, compensation and benefit.
教材 本課程採「互動式教學法」,即老師與學生就課程中之研習內容進行討論,故教師將先就課程中之重要理論與觀點做介紹與說明,並於理論介紹後,就特定之主題請上課同學抒發己見,因此課前預習有其必要性。此外,依據專家研究指出,出席率與學習效果及學期成績呈現高度相關,故凡缺課過多之學生,將視同放棄本學期之課程學習機會。 Teaching Materials When student come to class pre-study needed then lecture by teacher. It is a quick and simple way to provide knowledge to large class. Then we have open discussion on final section. Please forced or non-forced yourself said your opinion each open discussion.
成績評量方式 1.平時作業請以打字方式為之,每份報告之頁數以2-6頁為限。此外,基於培養準時之習慣,作業之繳交,一概不受理遲交之情況。
Grading Mid-exam(30%), Final-exam(40%), other assessment(30%).
教學內容 本課程主要以人力資源管理之相關課題為授課內容,包括:人力資源管理之涵蓋範圍、人力資源規劃、工作設計、人員招募與選用、人員訓練、員工生涯發展與職業前程規劃、績效考核、薪酬與獎懲、勞工關係與福利等課題,以使學習本課程之學生,能瞭解企業機構在人力資源管理上應有之功能與基本理論。 Syllabus These courses aimed Human Resource Management at providing student with a complete and applied review of essential HR concepts and techniques. The content of these semesters I tried address several issues, including the strategic role of Human Resource Management, HR planning and recruiting, job analysis and employee selection, training and developing employees, appraising and managing performance, compensation and benefit.