朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Ground Improvement 地盤改良

當期課號 7031 Course Number 7031
授課教師 蔡佩勳 Instructor TSAI,PEI HSUN
中文課名 地盤改良 Course Name Ground Improvement
開課單位 營建工程系碩士班二A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 軟弱地層無法提供適當工程性質以滿足工程需求,因此必須藉地盤改良等方法,使其滿足工程之需要。本課程使學生瞭解地盤改良之各工法與及使用時機,並介紹其地盤改良之原理及設計方法。改良工法包括淺層與深層之夯實工法、排水壓密工法、灌漿工法、使用地工織物等。 Objectives The objective of this course is to make students understanding about the treatment methods of site improvement and their application. The course concentrates on the topics of compaction, dewatering, surface stabilization with admixtures, and tensile reinnforcement.
教材 上課課本與參考資料,
2個作業, 2次期中考
Teaching Materials 2 homeworks and 2 midterms in class
成績評量方式 期中考與期末考 (3×25%),
指定作業 (25%)
Grading homework(25%),midterms(2*25%),final exam(25%)
教學內容 本課程使學生瞭解地盤改良之各工法與及其主要影響因素,並介紹夯實改良工法, 排水改良工法, 混拌改良工法, 加勁式改良工法等地盤改良之工法。 Syllabus This course in ground improvement would concentrate on the topics of compaction, dewatering, stabilization with admixtures, and tensile reinforcement.