朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Principles and Practice of Guidance 輔導原理與實務

當期課號 6411 Course Number 6411
授課教師 蔡文標 Instructor TSAI,WEN PIAO
中文課名 輔導原理與實務 Course Name Principles and Practice of Guidance
開課單位 幼兒保育系(二進)五A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 期能透過輔導理論與實務之介紹,使同學能進一步協助他人解決其生活上所遭遇之問題,並能促進個人之自我指導,達到自助亦能助人的理想境界。 Objectives The purposes of this course are to explore the principle of children guidance and practical.There are two parts in the syllabus. The first is the teaching principle of children guidance. The second is the children guidance practical. The airms of course are designed to improve students’the knowledge of the principle of children guidance and apply in practical guidance situation.
教材 1. 教師講授
2. 上課討論
3. 資料蒐集
4. 總結報告
Teaching Materials teacher lecture,
classroom discussion,
data collection ,
summary report.
成績評量方式 1. 書面報告
2. 口頭報告
3. 紙筆測驗
Grading written report,
verbal report,
paper-and pencil test.
教學內容 本科目旨在探討兒童輔導原理與實務,教學內容分為二大部分。其一為探討兒童之輔導原理;其二為兒童之輔導實務,其目標乃是讓學生學會各種輔導原理,以期能應用於實際輔導之情境。 Syllabus The purposes of this course are to explore the principle of children guidance and practical.There are two parts in the syllabus. The first is the teaching principle of children guidance. The second is the children guidance practical. The airms of course are designed to improve students’ the knowledge of the principle of children guidance and apply in practical guidance situation.