朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Educational Statistics 教育統計學

當期課號 6400 Course Number 6400
授課教師 葉重新 Instructor CHUNG,HSIN YEH
中文課名 教育統計學 Course Name Educational Statistics
開課單位 幼兒保育系(二進)四B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程的目標是希望幫助學生能夠對於次數分配、集中量數、變異量數、相對地位量數…等基礎性的統計方法,具有正確的統計概念,以便能夠正確地運用統計方法。 Objectives The objectives of the course are to help students to acquire correct statistical concepts and to use statistical methods accurately for fundamental statistical methods. The fundamental statistical methods include frequency distribution, measures of central location, measures of variation, measures of relative position, etc.
教材 板書 Teaching Materials  
成績評量方式 平時成績 40%
期中考 30%
期末考 40%
教學內容 緒論.次數分配及圖示法.集中量數.變異量數.相對地位量數.常態分配.簡單相關與迴歸.抽樣方法.點評估與區間評估.假設檢定.卡方檢定.單因子變異數分析.無母數統計法.淨相關.複相關與複回歸. Syllabus Educational Statistics
The brief contains of this course were: 1. frequency distribution ; 2. measure of central tendency ; 3. measures of variability ; 4. measures of relative position; 5.normal distribution; 6.correlation and regression ; 7.sampling methods; 8. point and interval estimation ;9. hypothesis testing ; 10.chi-square testing; 11.one-way analysis of variance; 12.two-way analysis of variance;13.trend analysis ;14.analysis of covariance;15.nonparametric testing;16. other correlation statistics.