朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Basic Computer Theory and Application 基礎電腦理論與應用

當期課號 6369 Course Number 6369
授課教師 楊偉儒 Instructor YANG,WEI ZU
中文課名 基礎電腦理論與應用 Course Name Basic Computer Theory and Application
開課單位 幼兒保育系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程主要介紹電腦系統的發展、理論,電腦硬體、軟體,資料、資訊概論,除此之外,特別著重應用軟體之使用及操作,如網際網路應用與實務、文書處理應用與實務。 Objectives The major concern of this course is the introduction to computer system. It includes the concepts of computer hardware and software. Also, the information thory and information management are included in this cousrse. Besides, the lab of the application software is attenuated. For example, the word processing software and internet application are practical in the lab.
教材 以課本為主 Teaching Materials MS Word
成績評量方式 10% 出席, 30$ exercise, 30% 期中考, 30% 期末考 Grading 10% presence, 30% exercise, 30% midterm, 30% final term
教學內容 介紹電腦架構, OS, 網際網路等基本電腦觀念及 word 使用。 Syllabus Introduce Computer architecture, OS, internet concepts and use of MS Word.