朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
International Business Topics 國際商務專題

當期課號 6360 Course Number 6360
授課教師 尼克利 Instructor PAZDERIC,NICKOLA LEE
中文課名 國際商務專題 Course Name International Business Topics
開課單位 應用外語系(二進)五A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程著重國際商務實務面的探索,對重要的國際經貿組織與影響國際經貿的因素做一分析。課程進行將採分組報告與問答討論,以期在準備每次的專題報告中學習與本課程相關之知識,並在問答討論完成每次主題的深入了解與避免迷思的產生。 Objectives This course offers a practical approach to international business matters. The major international economic and commercial organizations as well as the fundamental factors which have great influence in the sphere of the international economy and trade are the focal points of this course. Success in this course relies upon the students’ active participation, both in and outside of the classroom. Students will form groups to present one of the assigned topics to the class. The presentations will be followed by discussions. The assigned topics include the WTO, the IMF, direct investments, and MNC. Students are supposed to do research before the class discussion and collect material on the selected topic. Upon successful completion of this course, the student will have a basic understanding of international business.
教材 影片觀賞與主題討論 Teaching Materials The course will be divided into four sections, each devoted to the ideas and characters presented in a classic (or soon-to-be classic) motion picture.

In general the course begins with a presentation of a naïve American preoccupation with the city, its beauty and power and above all, it riches. The course then turns to films that critically consider the trajectory and role of Americans who, many ways, achieve their dreams. Special attention will be given to the role of the media in both constructing financial empires and collective dreams and practical docility. In the final section, we’ll take up with a film that shows the American dream to be but a psychosis.
成績評量方式 每週小考 Grading Four, 20-question, multi-choice exams will be given at the end of every major section. These count for 100% of the grade. However, should a student wish to forego the final section’s exam on January 12, they may present a paper summarizing their ideas about the American dream gleaned from this course and the relation of this dream to their own lives.
教學內容 加強學生了解當今美國社會 Syllabus This course aims to enhance the capacity of students to understand major social and individual preoccupations in contemporary America.