朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
English Conversation I 英文會話(一)

當期課號 6331 Course Number 6331
授課教師 尼克利 Instructor PAZDERIC,NICKOLA LEE
中文課名 英文會話(一) Course Name English Conversation I
開課單位 應用外語系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標   Objectives  
教材 此課程會分為三部份.每個部分都著重對話句型,和電影所描繪的文化影響之探討.在每個主題部份中,學生將會看電影,複習重要字彙,討論主題中文化的特性. 團體或個人所選擇的對話排演練習. Teaching Materials This course will be divided into three sections. Each section will be devoted to the patterns of conversation and cultural interaction depicted in a western motion picture. during each section, students will view the movie, review critical vocabulary, discuss themes of culture and personalities and collectively and individually rehearse chosen conversations.
成績評量方式 在每個主題段落結束時,學生會有一個20題選擇題的考試,考試內容涵蓋電影內容的理解.考試佔總分的75%.剩下的25%為出席率. Grading At the end of each section, students will be given a 20-question multiplechoice exam that covers questions of meaning in the given film (75%). The remaining 25% of the grade is determined by student participation.
教學內容 此課程試圖提供對話句型的的訓練, 口語的流利度並將這樣的技巧透過個人和社會的學習來了解不同的社會文化 Syllabus This course seeks to provide training in converstaino patterns and oral fluency and to apply this knowledge in difficult social and cultural predicaments through the study of social and personal difference.