朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Topics in Practice for Insurance(I) 保險實務專題(一)

當期課號 6319 Course Number 6319
授課教師 趙學欣 Instructor  
中文課名 保險實務專題(一) Course Name Topics in Practice for Insurance(I)
開課單位 保險金融管理系(二進)四B Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 1. 從保險實務專題印証保險原理、原則之運作,並透過分組研討方式,加深對各項專題的研究、認識了解,並增加將來進入保險職場之工作能力
2. 使學生能熟悉並應用在其他學科上
3. 使學生具保險金融從業人員之專業態度
4. 可做為學生未來工作之基礎
Objectives 1. Insurance practice projects evidence insurance principles, and operation principles; group discussions deepen project study and understanding and increase the ability of working in insurance industry in the future.
2. Enabling students to be come familiar and apply in other subjects.
3. Enabling students to have professional attitudes in insurance and finance industry.
4. Serving as students’ foundation of future work.
教材 由老師透過投影片與相關資料繕寫,並發放講義,針對課程主題做課堂講解,另外將將視實務需求或同學要求做分組討論,除了盡量傳達壽險經營實務現況之外,也希望能獲得一些同學的回饋,完成教學互動的目標。 Teaching Materials I will prepared many papers and information about a widely view to research the subject we have selected , and also looking forward to the students’ feed back.
成績評量方式 由於本科系以實務教學為主體,因此學生課堂上參與度與報告將佔30%,期中考成績佔30%,期末考成績佔30%,而平常點名出席狀況則佔10%。 Grading The reports from student,the semi-exam,the final exam and their performance in the usual class.
教學內容 本學科主要目的在培養學生能將過去所學之各項壽險經營理論與國內外壽險經營實務結合的能力,透過這門課程安排能接觸到最真實的壽險操作實況,瞭解目前國內或國外壽險實務經營上所遭遇的問題及相關解決對策,如如何自計設計保單並算出保險費,再保險如何安排,壽險長期資金運用所可能面臨到的問題有哪些?如何執行初步的壽險行銷,壽險監理機關所扮演的較色為何等等,希望藉由互動加深對相關問題的瞭解與興趣。 Syllabus This course name is 「Topic in Practice for Insurance」, so we will emphasize the practice for insurance company management.Especially in Life Insurance fields.I hope the students will reallize how to running a Life Insurance company exactly in Taiwan and what problems they will faced in the future.How the Life Insurance company and the supervisor making a good co-operate to upgrade our strength of competition and I hope we can have a further discussion about the Life Insurance fields.