朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
History of Film 電影史

當期課號 6258 Course Number 6258
授課教師 陳勇瑞 Instructor CHEN,YEONG RURY
中文課名 電影史 Course Name History of Film
開課單位 傳播藝術系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 教學目標:
2.能具備電影百年史的發展知識能力 (技能)
4.能做為拍片的參考。 (其他)
Objectives 1. Understand the development of 100 years of film history, theory, and genres (knowledge) 2. Identify significant issues in film history (skills) 3. Develop as a filmmaker through understanding film history (development) 4. Identify references to significant films to improve one's own filmmaking (other)
教材 期中報告
請根據課堂上所提的電影主義或所放映的電影寫一份2500字以上的心得報告。報告請務必寫上學號及姓名,在朝陽網路大學上繳交(課堂繳交將不接受)。 報告請勿抄襲,有引用之處請註明書名、作者及頁號以供查照。
Teaching Materials A Mid-term Paper
A report about the films shown in the class. Ithas to be 2500 words with name and ID numbers on it.
成績評量方式 成績評分百分比
期中報告 25%
期末考 60%
課堂表現(上課及網路發言) 10%
出席狀況 5%
Grading Mid-term Paper 25%
Final Exam 60%
Outstanding 10%
Attendance 5%
教學內容 課程簡介

Syllabus 'Film history' is a course about the history of film development in the world. This will include the Beginning of the Film, Silent Years, Classic Hollywood, Expressionism ,Montage Movement, Talking Pictures, Neorealism,New Wave, Japanese Movies, Third World's Movies, New Hollywood, and Chinese Film History.