朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Principles of Journalism 新聞學原理

當期課號 6244 Course Number 6244
授課教師 許維哲 Instructor HSU,WEI CHE
中文課名 新聞學原理 Course Name Principles of Journalism
開課單位 傳播藝術系(二進)三A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 教學目標:包含知識、技能、態度、其他等四項
Objectives 1. Adopt an attitude of self-discipline and sense of social responsibility (development) 2. Learn basic news writing skills (skills)
3. Gain knowledge in the development, education, organization, ethics, and laws in journalism (knowledge) 4. Understand the evolution of the press, as well as possible future trends in its development (other)
教材 課程議題講述與討論 Teaching Materials Lectures and discussions
成績評量方式 期中作業20%、期末報告及發表50%, 課間討論30% Grading Assignment 20%, group project 50%, class discussion 30%
教學內容 此課程將介紹新聞學原理中, 所包含的新聞理論, 新聞產製過程以及新聞與社會關係三個研究層面, 透過設定議題方式, 經過師生間的互動討論﹑激發同學們探索新聞學原理應用的興趣, 並進一步藉由新聞原理的觀點分析, 多方面觀察現代新聞環境的發展。 Syllabus Journalism is a dynamic and challengeable career. This course will serves as an introduction to the world of the theory and practice of journalism. Students will learn about journalistic issues relating to credibility, ethics and standard. They are also encouraged to discuss how to adapt the traditions of reporting and deal with the contemporary problems in the new medium.