朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
History of Graphic Design(1) 平面設計史(一)

當期課號 6192 Course Number 6192
授課教師 曾培育 Instructor TSENG,PEI YU
中文課名 平面設計史(一) Course Name History of Graphic Design(1)
開課單位 視覺傳達設計系(二進)四A Department  
修習別 必修 Required/Elective Required
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 結合歷史的文化背景和視覺傳藝術,學生可了解西方西方平面設計的發展過程,參酌前人的設計創作理念及經驗,並進一步提升在建立設計表現風格之前的思考及分析能力。課程內容以西方平面設計史為主,範圍從古典羅馬到工業時代,包括中世紀手工書籍、文藝復興的印刷設計、工業革命與維多利亞資本風格、直到現代主義思潮。透過史觀的研究及分析,了解設計和社會背景的關係,並嘗試收集和整理分析台灣本土的設計史,可使學生在建立設計風格時,更能知道如何適應並預測流行的大環境。 Objectives Combining the historical culture background and communication arts, students can understand the development of Western graphic styles, absorb the creating experiences and concepts of? graphic designers before, and enhance the abilities of thinking and analyzing. The range of what we are going to discuss is from the classical Roman to the modern industrial age, including manuscripts, the Renaissance typography, the Industrial Revolution and Victorian style, and the Modernism. Through the historical views, they will figure out the relationships between design and society or politics. It’s helpful for students to develop their personal style adapting to the social market.
教材 課堂講授、幻燈片作品賞析、影片探討、資料收集研究、討論、報告 Teaching Materials lecture, analyzing works, paper research, criticizing and discussing
成績評量方式 期中考25%、期末考25%、隨堂小考25%、課堂報告及學習態度25% Grading 25%- midterm test
25%- final test
25%- class test
25%- presentation and study attitude
教學內容 1, 認識設計在人類文化及社會中的定義及角色。
2, 思考設計和藝術創作的關係;視覺傳達設計和藝術創作的關係。
3, 了解視覺傳達設計的起源發展、原理模式和媒材界面。
Syllabus It is a seminar and theoretical program of design concept, to help students building a basic and common sense of design, whatever architecture, industrial design, or graphic design. In the class, we discuss about the design culture, thought, criticism, trend, and aesthetics.
Through the historical views, they will figure out the relationships between design and society or politics. It will be helpful for students to develop their personal style adapting to the social market.