朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Logistics Management 物流管理

當期課號 6170 Course Number 6170
授課教師 黃勇富 Instructor HUANG,YUNG FU
中文課名 物流管理 Course Name Logistics Management
開課單位 企業管理系(二進)五A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程使學生瞭解物流管理之概念與重要性,並能熟悉物流系統之運作,主要內容如下:1、物流管理之概念與重畏性2、物流系統之組成要件3、物流整合運作以國內外個案分析,使學生了解國內及外物流中心之概況及未來趨勢。 Objectives The course covers the special issue of logistic strategy management. It provides an stragegy assessment of logistic management field. Topics include: logistic strategy and position,logistic channel management, electronic commerce and logistics.The thired party logistics, logistics and customer satisfaction and green logistics.
教材 課堂授課為主
Teaching Materials Lecture, case study and examination.
成績評量方式 平時成績(50%)
◆ 課堂表現(15%)
◆ 個案研討(15%)
◆ 分組報告(20%)
Grading 1. Participation.(15%)
2. Case study.(15%)
3. Term paper.(20%)
4. Midterm examination.(25%)
5. Final examination.(25%)
教學內容 物流管理是一門以主題式方式來授課之課程,本學科是屬於跨領域之課程,本課程旨在介紹物流之最重要課題,並酌予加入實例,俾使學生培養物流知識之餘,還能提升學習興趣. Syllabus The objective of this course is to cover production and operations management, including MRP, JIT, forecasting, supply chain management, resource and capacity planning, inventory and material management, and scheduling. The student will understand the concepts of production and operations management and use the information technology to improve efficiency and effectives of the production and operations systems.