朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
International Marketing Management 國際行銷管理

當期課號 6169 Course Number 6169
授課教師 廖正時 Instructor JOE,LIAW
中文課名 國際行銷管理 Course Name International Marketing Management
開課單位 企業管理系(二進)五A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 本課程的主要內容包括: 國際行銷與國際貿易的區別、國際行銷活動產生原因與進入模式、 國際行銷與企業組織、國際主要經濟組織(EEU, WTO, ASENA, APEC, 美墨加經濟同盟等)、 國際行銷產品策略與生命周期、 國際行銷價格策略、國際行銷通路策略、 國際行銷促銷策略、世界主要市場分析等內容,藉以建立學生國際行銷的基本觀念與決策能力。 Objectives This course includes: Theories and practice of international marketing management ; The impact of international economic situation on international marketing; International supply-chain management; international logistics ; International pricing transfering ; the International marketing of product, place, price, promotion etc. Through case study, lecture, discussion, this course aims to build a basic conception of knolwedge and ability of decision-making about international marketing.
教材 1. 課堂講解 2.分組報告 3.期末考 Teaching Materials 1. Introduction 2. Case Study and Report 3.Final Test
成績評量方式 1. 出席率與課堂互動:35% 2.分組報告:35% 3.期末考:30% Grading 1. Attendance Rate and Discussion:35% 2.Case Study and Report:35% 3.Final Test:30%
教學內容 全球化經濟發展,使企業經營趨於無國界,企業在面對更多、更強的競爭壓力情況下,要如何整合資源、創造價值,以滿足社會的需求,是企業所要面對的艱難挑戰。本課程從國際行銷的範圍及挑戰及國際貿易的動態環境、全球市場的文化環境、評估全球市場的機會、發展全球的行銷策略、執行全球市場的策略五大部分進行學理說明與探討;透過企業經營上面臨之各種環境與行銷管理挑戰,深入淺出地說明國際企業所應採取之因應之道與最適執行策略作法,並輔以焦點個案分析,使國際行銷管理觀念轉化為易懂的企業實務作法。本課程旨在教導企管系學生熟悉國際行銷管理概念,自企業面臨的各種問題為起點,由國際行銷管理觀念、分析方法探討企業生存與可能之發展機會。 Syllabus Owing to the prevalence of information technology, marketing information have become essential for creating competitive firms, managing global corporations, and providing useful products and services to customers. The International Marketing is designed to serve as the text for a first course in international marketing. The field of international business abounds with courses titled international business, international trade, export trade, global marketing, international marketing management, and international marketing all of which are courses for which the eleventh edition of International Marketing is appropriate. Any international business or marketing course which emphasizes the cultural/environ-mental aspects of international trade and stresses the integration of culture and marketing functions can use this text effectively. Students need to understand how the marketing works in the organization, daily operation or management. Therefore, a field on-site case study assigned to students by groups to visit a company to train students’ communication skills and really understand how the enterprise use marketing information in the operation or management.