朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Measurement Science 測量學

當期課號 6020 Course Number 6020
授課教師 黃怡碩 Instructor HUANG,YI SHUO
中文課名 測量學 Course Name Measurement Science
開課單位 營建工程系(二進)五A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 學習測量原理及技術,使對測量基礎理論有正確認識,並增加對現代高科技測量方法認識。距離測量及誤差觀念介紹。測距測角,測高程,測地形之基本測量理論。遙測技術及全球衛星定位系統介紹。 Objectives This course introduces basic concepts of surveying, including error and precision, least square adjustment, error propagation, measurment of distance, angle, and elevation, leveling, traverse, plane table, topographic surveying, and triangulation. Some advanced technology is also introduced such as photogrammertry, remote sensing (RS), global positioning system (GPS), and geographic information system (GIS).
教材 上課講述 Teaching Materials Class Lectures
成績評量方式 小考(2次) 40%
期中考(二小時) 30%
期末考(二小時) 30%
出缺席考核 15%
Grading Quisz 40%
MidTerm 30%
Final 30%
教學內容 複習三角幾何關係與測量之應用與發展 Syllabus Familiar with Geometry and the application in Engineering