朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Psychology 心理學

當期課號 5026 Course Number 5026
授課教師 黃國祐 Instructor HUANG,KUO YOU
中文課名 心理學 Course Name Psychology
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四春)四D Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 本課程介紹和討論現代科學心理學的發展與範疇,探究人類行為及心智運作的普同性原則,期使學生具備相關基礎知識,增進自我瞭解與環境適應,並積極關懷社會人群。討論主題包含:感覺和知覺、意識、學習、記憶、思考和語言、智慧和創造力、發展心理學、社會心理學、動機和情緒、人格心理學、異常行為、心理治療與健康心理學。 Objectives The course presents the development and research findings of modern scientific psychology, and investigates the universal principle of human behavior and mental processing. Students are expected to gain basic knowledge in Psychology, to have a better understanding of self and adjustment, and to have an altruistic attitude towards society and human beings. The topics include sensation, perception, consciousness, learning, memory, language, thinking, intelligence, creativity, developmental psychology, social psychology, motivation and emotion, personality, abnormal psychology, psychotherapy, and health psychology.
教材 主題講解/
Teaching Materials textbook disscussing/
group disscussing/
reading report
成績評量方式 期中考:40%/ 期末考:40% / 讀書報告:10% /
Grading midterm exam.: 40% final exam.: 40% reading reports:10% performance on class and usual test:10%
教學內容 本課程介紹和討論現代科學心理學的發展與範疇,探究人類行為及心智運作的普同性原則,期使學生具備相關基礎知識,增進自我瞭解與環境適應,並積極關懷社會人群。討論主題包含:感覺和知覺、意識、學習、記憶、思考和語言、智慧和創造力、發展心理學、社會心理學、動機和情緒、人格心理學、異常行為、心理治療與健康心理學。 Syllabus The course presents the development and research topics of mordern scientific psychology to students, and inspires them to search for the universal principle of human behavior and mental processing. The topics include sensation, perception, consciousness, learning, memory, language, thinking, intelligence, creativity, developmental psychology, social psychology, motivation and emotion, personality, abnormal psychology, psychotherapy and health psychology.