朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Assessment and Management of Day Care Organization 托育機構經營管理與評鑑

當期課號 5019 Course Number 5019
授課教師 林鴻璋 Instructor HONG,CHANG LIN
中文課名 托育機構經營管理與評鑑 Course Name Assessment and Management of Day Care Organization
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四春)四C Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 依CIPP(背景評鑑、輸入評鑑、過程評鑑和結果評鑑)評鑑模式指導學生對托兒所評鑑的技術之應用。課程目標也針對托兒所評鑑內容分為:所務行政、環境與設備和教學活動。 Objectives This course is following CIPP (Context Evaluation, Input evaluation, process evaluation, product evaluation) Evaluation model to train students’ skill of assessment and management of day care organization. In this course more specific data relating to the education administration, environment and curriculums of day care organization.
教材 課堂講授、分組討論、經營者座談、心得分享、教學媒體的應用 Teaching Materials 1. Lecture 2. Panel discussion 3. Panel discussion with on-site manager 4. Impression sharing 5. Application of teaching media
成績評量方式 上課參與/出席10%、分組討論10%、平時作業10%、期中報告30%、期末報告40% Grading 1. Class participation and attendance 10% 2. Panel discussion 10% 3. Assignments 10% 4. Midterm presentation 30% 5. Final presentation 40%
教學內容 本課程在探討托育機構經營管理之理念,並配合實務經營者的例証,學習目標設定,規劃機構經營的各項計畫及執行,並了解機構評鑑之內容與過程,建立學生具備機構經營管理之能力。 Syllabus The main purpose of this course is to probe the concept of management of day care organization. Students can learn target/goal set-up, planning and execution of organization management, and the content and processes of organization assessment by means of examples of on-site manager. It helps students gaining abilities of management of day care organization.