朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Marking and Management for Early Childhood Education Business 幼教事業行銷與管理

當期課號 5006 Course Number 5006
授課教師 林鴻璋 Instructor HONG,CHANG LIN
中文課名 幼教事業行銷與管理 Course Name Marking and Management for Early Childhood Education Business
開課單位 幼兒保育系(四春)三C Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 2 Credits 2
課程目標 在教育行銷觀念的日受重視下,幼教事業如何運用行銷管理概念成為從事教保工作人員重要課題。本課程從行銷管理的基本概念和理論基礎,藉由市場調查以了解家長需求,進行幼教內外環境SWOT分析,研擬各種行銷策略組合,培養幼教事業行銷正確觀念與能力。 Objectives The concept of educational marketing has gained increased attention. How to apply marketing and management concepts has become an important subject for workers in early child care business. The course is aimed to study the concepts of marketing and management, to learn parents’ needs based on marketing survey research, to conduct SWOT analyses of child care organizations, to propose marketing strategies, and to cultivate correct concepts and abilities in marketing and management of early care and education industries.
教材 課堂講授、分組討論、教學影片、幼教人士座談 Teaching Materials 1. Lecture 2. Panel discussion 3. Videos 4. Panel discussion with early child education related enterprises
成績評量方式 上課參與/出席10%、分組討論10%、平時作業10%、期中報告30%、期末報告40% Grading 1. Class participation and attendance 10% 2. Panel discussion 10% 3. Assignments 10% 4. Midterm presentation 30% 5. Final presentation 40%
教學內容 本課程主要是讓學生瞭解現代行銷管理策略於幼教事業組織之運作方法。藉由市場調查以了解家長需求,進行幼教內外環境SWOT分析以研擬競爭策略,推動幼教事業行銷,建立學生行銷管理能力。 Syllabus The main purpose of this course is to study the concept of marketing and management in early child education related enterprises. Students can understand parents’ needs according to market research and study competition and marketing strategies in kindergarten & day care organization by using SWOT analysis.