朝陽科技大學 092學年度第1學期教學大綱
Tax Planning 租稅規劃

當期課號 4219 Course Number 4219
授課教師 林國全 Instructor LIN,KUOCHUAN GORDON
中文課名 租稅規劃 Course Name Tax Planning
開課單位 會計系(二日)四A Department  
修習別 選修 Required/Elective Elective
學分數 3 Credits 3
課程目標 瞭解綜合所得稅、營利事業所得稅及遺產與贈與稅及其他現行稅務法令規定及稅務規劃方向。 Objectives This course prepares the students learn more in the fields of Individual Income Tax, Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax, Estate and Gift Tax and tax planning.
教材 1. 老師上課講義及教材說明。 2. 每週稅務新聞探討及研究。 3. 個別單元討論。 Teaching Materials Teaching and discussion in the classroom
成績評量方式 課堂表現及出席及稅務新聞報告書面及課堂報告40% 學期書面報告20% 期末考40%
Grading tax news paper and oral reports,attendance and performance in the classroom:40%
term paper:20% final examination:40%
教學內容 瞭解綜合所得稅、營利事業所得稅及遺產與贈與稅及其他現行稅務法令規定及稅務規劃方向。 Syllabus To have the students learn more in the fields of Individual Income Tax, Profit-Seeking Enterprise Income Tax, Estate and Gift Tax and tax planning.